Empress 1908 Gin 750ml

SKU: 3F933024 Category: Tag:




Empress 1908 Gin 750ml is a truly unique and exquisite spirit that embodies the elegance and sophistication of the early 20th century. Crafted in small batches in Victoria, British Columbia, this gin pays homage to the city’s famous Empress Hotel and its storied past.
What sets EMPRESS 1908 GIN apart is its vibrant and stunning color, which is derived from a carefully selected blend of botanicals, including butterfly pea blossom, juniper, ginger root, and cinnamon bark. The result is a deep indigo hue that transforms to a soft pink when mixed with tonic or citrus.
But the magic of EMPRESS 1908 GIN doesn’t stop at its color. Its flavor profile is equally enchanting, with bright notes of citrus, spice, and floral that are perfectly balanced by the juniper base. Smooth and silky on the palate, this gin is perfect for sipping neat or elevating your favorite cocktails.
So whether you’re a gin enthusiast or simply looking for a spirit that’s as beautiful as it is delicious, EMPRESS 1908 GIN is sure to impress.


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